Sunday, September 4, 2016

Chapter 5
Wednesday, March 21, 1816

The Seawitch made a fast run across the Atlantic in the middle of winter. The Captain deposited his passengers as promised safely and a generous week before the end of March.

"Mr. Rand. Take two men and quietly follow Mr. Barrett to his destination. He is under some threat and I want to make sure he arrives home safe." Captain Whitman handed Rand some a few coins."Take a hack if you need to, and once you have seen them safe inside, report back to me."

Mr. Rand was surprised to spy two men watching the Barretts. They mounted horses and followed behind the Barrett's hired coach. The three sailors followed by hack. When traffic slowed to a standstill, Mr. Rand gave the signal to take the horsemen down. Hauled off their saddles, the two men were "detained" down a small alley. Questioning them separately revealed some bloke gave them a shilling a day to wait around all this week for a ship that delivers two passengers: an older man and young lady. They were to report, when they arrived and where they go, to a solicitor's office on Lombard Street.

Mr. Rand sent back a man on one of the horses with the information to the captain. The Captain returned on the horse. He persuaded the messengers to divulge the name of the solicitor and informed the two men the solicitor did not trust them and had his men watching, too. And he would inform the solicitor. The Captain gave them half of what they were owed and sent them on their way.

"Mr. Rand take your crew to the solicitor's office and make the sure horsemen do not show up there and contact that solicitor.


Once inside Aunt Serena's London home, after hugs and introductions to cousins and nephews, and cups of hot tea, William requested a place where he could write a note.

They were shown to the small parlor, where they could talk in private and relax. While Marleigh warmed her feet by the fire, William wrote a note for the footman to deliver to Solicitor Simms office asking for an appointment at 9 o'clock the next morning.

Will heard the butler answer the front door. Curiosity got the better of him and he leaned his head out of the study to see Captain Whitman. Will gave a nod to the butler and greeted the Captain.

"Captain Whitman! What brings you here?"

"You were being followed from the dock. I had Mr. Rand watching. We caught the two men, questioned them. They claim a Solicitor named Wilcox from Lombard Street had hired them to watch for you and Miss Marleigh at the docks all week. They were to follow you and then report when you arrived and where you went. We made them believe the solicitor had hired us as well. We paid them off. I have Mr. Rand's crew watching the solicitor's office to make sure they do not return.

"Mr. Barrett, Mr. Simms told me a bit about the problem. It seems quite clear someone has something unpleasant in mind. How about I station four of my men to guard here tonight? They can prowl around the first floor making sure nothing is amiss."

William looked back in the office toward Marleigh and nodded his head. "Yes. Thank you, Captain. My sister-in-law and her family should not bear the brunt of any of my problems. It has been more than twenty years since I have been in London. I had not expected unwelcome company from the first moment of our arrival."

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