I am pleased to share a tiny preview of my book. Twice weekly I will add another small segment or share some new approach to writing, I have discovered.
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Chapter 1 Andrew Crofton
November 1815
November 1815

Andrew leaned forward, head in his hands. "This early discharge feels like a deliverance sent from heaven. The aftermath of the war on France is wretched. I have
seen enough blood letting to last a lifetime, Goulburn. Yet here I am, forced
to throw down the gauntlet for this scoundrel.
"He deserves to suffer, as he has made others do his
entire life. Even when he was a child, he was trouble. When he was ten, his
entire family visited for a week. He broke a large vase and blamed the parlor
maid. He took a watch from my father’s room and blamed the valet. He held down
a local boy in the pond, would have drown the boy, save the older brother stopping
him. When I found him whipping a horse
tied in its stall, I’d had enough. I grabbed the whip and showed him how it
felt. A hard lesson had to be taught then and I conclude it is past-time for
copyright©2016 by Gloria J. Goldsmith
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